Wednesday, 18 October 2017

State of The Art Formulating

Setiap orang dapat membuat pelumas, karena bahan baku base oil dan aditif yang beredar dipasar internasional sama dengan yang beredar di Indonesia, sehingga mungkin pelumas skala internasional dan lokal menggunahkan bahan baku yang sama. Akan tetapi, membuat pelumas tentu bukan hanya sekedar mencapai kekentalan yang diinginkan, tetapi harus memperhatikan juga karakteristik bahan yang dicampurkan dan aplikasi pelumas. That's what makes one lubricants differ from others, which is how you select and what you have to add in the formula, yes theres any state of the art formulating.

So how to fomulate lubricants or grease? just work and try, experience will teach you, will give you a sense on which raw material to be used..

During my role as Technical Marketing in the additive industry, i see that many of local lubricant manufacturer decide to change their additive once they face problem at their end user? problem is kinda blessing in disguise, you know why? from problem you'll get smarter on how to fixed your formulated lubricant, so do some evaluation on field on lab and discuss with your additive supplier once you face problem in your end user, do not decide quickly to change the additive, you'll not learn much on this..

I can share a tips, but i am not the pro so i'll just encourage you to start on your own journey in formulating either lubricants and greases.

Last but not least, Everyone can play golf, but there only one Tiger Woods..haha, this wisdom words given to motivate you to be the best in everything you do, thanks Pak ABW!! one of inspirational people that across in mylife.